Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is a form of meditation that is developed in the Buddhist method of meditation. Currently used in Buddhist meditation, Yoga and western cultures, this form of meditation is designed to allow you to focus on your active thoughts without being judgmental about those thoughts. Mindfulness meditation is primarily used to focus your mind from the past or future and delve into the current, active thoughts of the present. This form of meditation is the seventh step in Noble Eightfold Path, an aspect of Buddhist belief.

Mindfulness meditation is an advanced form of meditation. Once breathing exercises have been mastered, and progression has been made on the Noble Eightfold path, one can focus and direct their thoughts towards the present, and observe the patterns of thoughts within their own mind. Unlike other forms of meditation, once learned, Mindfulness meditation can occur anywhere. It is often viewed as a lifestyle change, rather than a form of meditation, as you can be working at other activities and still be using mindfulness meditation at the same time.

There is a lot that needs to be done before you can master the art of mindfulness mediation. First, you must be able to calm and clear your thoughts, a skill that is taught with most forms of meditation. This is often the most difficult aspect of meditation, as many people tend to have their thoughts wander before they have truly found their focus. However, as mindfulness meditation lies beyond the stillness of standard meditations and delves into active thought, many people can touch the edges of this form of meditation early on.

As the key point in mindfulness meditation is to be able to view your active thoughts without judgment, it is strongly suggested that you have mastered the art of your favored meditations before focusing on mindfulness meditation. Doing so will help you be able to view yourself, your thoughts, and your surroundings without judgment. This lack of judgment is believed to assist in clarity of thought and a detachment from certain events or emotions. This can be of great assistance in the decision making process, when certain emotions and thoughts can cloud your ability to reason.

In the Buddhist religion, mindfulness meditation is used to examine the thoughts and work at approaching Enlightenment. In western cultures, this form of meditation is often used to assist in the decision making process, as well as help alleviate some illnesses.